Completely on demand and at your own pace, learn exactly what you need to better, save more and invest smart, using the same exact systems I used to pay down $45k student debt in three years, double my income in four, and buy my first home in five.

Check out the current course offerings below and start improving your finances today!

Crush the money game.

As seen in…

Quick Budget Course

Get everything you need, including templates and video guides to implement the quick and easy budget system I used to pay off over $45k in student debt in three months, double my income in four, and buy my first home in five before my 30th birthday. Click below to get all the details and a sneak peek of this self-paced course.

Investing 101 Workshop

Jumpstart your weath-building journey today in this workshop where you’ll learn all about how you can start investing even beyond your 401k, including how to open up a brokerage account, how to pick the right type account that will save you thousands, and what to consider when selecting your investments.

Financial Goals Workshop

Learn the exact goals framework I use to define & prioritize financial goals as well as strategies you can use to actually feel good about progressing on your goals, instead of feeling overwhelmed.

“I’ve tried to come up with my own means of budgeting, but without the education, I couldn’t get it right. That’s where Kim came in and I feel like I finally have a plan that’s going to be successful.”

- Jordan P.

What people are saying…

“I’ve been able to save over $8,000 and over $16,000 in debt which is insane, I can’t believe I’m saying that. I’d definitely recommend her work and courses for anyone looking to get smarter with their money”.

- Rishon R.

“It’s insane the amount of money I was just hoping would exist when I need it. There’s already $400 in my travel account. It’s literally working like magic.

- Michele T.

Hi, I’m Kimberly!

I’m the Founder of Beworth Finance, author of Building Wealth on a Dime, and an Accredited Financial Counselor.

But I wasn't always the money nerd I am today...

In 2012, I moved to Washington, DC making $15/hour with over $40k in student debt. Sick of dealing with my financial anxiety, I developed a system of managing my money that enabled me to pay off my debt in three years, double my income in four, and buy my first home before my 30th birthday.

Fast forward to today, I run Beworth Finance to share the exact system I used with money makers like you.

I know that money can be stressful, but it can also be fun and exciting! Let's work together to get you there.